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雅思词汇解析(84)| 图书馆

April 26, 2024

2雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. loan /ləʊn/

n. 借用

搭配:on loan 借用中;借出中

loan time / period 租借时间

loan card 借书证

e.g. The library's loan period for most books is two weeks, but certain reference materials may have a shorter loan period.

e.g. The latest bestseller is currently on loan, but you can reserve a copy for when it becomes available.

补充:reference material 参考资料

bestseller 畅销书

补充:interlibrary loan 图书馆际互借的图书

e.g. Interlibrary loan allows patrons to access materials from libraries across the country, expanding the range of resources available to them.

v. loan/ loan out 借出

e.g. Some libraries even loan out toys and games.

2. overdue /əʊvə'djuː/

adj. 图书馆的书逾期未还的

e.g. I forgot to return my library books, and now they're overdue, accruing fines each day.

e.g. The library sent me a reminder that my books are overdue, and I need to return them immediately to avoid further penalties.

补充:accruing fine 罚款累计

penalty n. 处罚

due adj. 到期的;预期的;预定到达的

搭配:due date 截止日期

e.g. The due date for the assignment is Friday.

3. archive /ˈɑ:kaiv/

n. 档案;记录;档案馆

剑桥听力12-5-3:You know they have got an archive of local newspapers going back years? Well next to it they have got the diary of a well-known politician from the late 19th century.

e.g. There is an electronic archive of all the previous editions of the newspapers.

补充搭配:be kept/ held in an archive

e.g. The documents are held in the national archives.

4. periodical /pɪərɪ'ɒdɪk(ə)l/

n. 期刊

e.g. The library has a large collection of scholarly periodicals.

e.g. I subscribe to various newspapers, magazines and periodicals.

补充:subscribe to 订阅杂志或者报纸

5. digitalize /'diɡʒitəlaiz/

v. 将…电子化

e.g. Our goal is to digitalize our entire library collection so that patrons can access materials remotely from anywhere in the world.

e.g. The university library plans to digitalize its rare book collection to both preserve these valuable works and provide broader access to researchers around the world.

补充:rare books 珍藏本


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